Counseling - Testing - Scholarships - Transcripts - Graduation pages » Current 11th Grade - Rising 12th Grade - Class of 2026

Current 11th Grade - Rising 12th Grade - Class of 2026

2025 American Legion Volunteer Girls State Information
Dobyns-Bennett High School may nominate two rising Senior female students to attend the 2025 American Legion Volunteer Girls State event to be held on the campus of Lipscomb University in Nashville the week of May 25-31st.  Tennessee's Volunteer Girls State empowers Tennessee's promising young women to become and remain civically engaged leaders through experiential learning and relevant, inspiring growth opportunities.  Applications are currently available on the D-B website.  If you have an interest in government and attending the week-long Girls State, you may discuss with your counselor at your junior registration appointment meeting this month and we will be able to direct you to the application on the website.  Please return the completed application to the Counseling Office by Thursday, March 13th!!
2025 American Legion Boys State Information
Dobyns-Bennett may also nominate rising senior males to attend the 2025 American Legion Boys State event to be held on the campus of Tennessee Tech in Cookeville the week of May 25-30th.  The Tennessee American Legion Boys State is a week filled with not only theory of government, but in it's actual practice and operation.  Young men representing every county in Tennessee who attend Boys State will be assigned to a city, 3 cities will make up a county, and 4 counties will make up the Mythical 51st State.  During the week, the young men will be introducing legislation throughout the week which will reflect current issues that effect our environment, education, family and other social concerns.  Applications are currently available on the DB website.  If you have an interest in government and attending Boys State, you may discuss with your counselor at your junior registration appointment meeting this month and we will be able to direct you to the application on the website.  Please return completed applications to the Counseling Office by Thursday, March 13th!!