Donations For KCS Families

D-B StuCo is once again partnering with the Family Resource Center and also with the DB Leadership Class to take up donations to help KCS Families in need.

The Family Resource Center is in need of Shampoo, Conditioner, BodyWash, Deodorant, Makeup Products, Body Spray, and similar hygiene items.  These items go directly into the hands of KCS Students and KCS Families who are in need.  

The DB Leadership Class is hosting a project to help educate elementary schoolers in our district on dental hygiene and would like to take dental supplies with them to donate to students in need.  

In response to these needs, the Student Council is once again holding a donation drive.  StuCo members and leadership classes will be sorting and delivering the donated items.  Please consider donating or share this information with your Homeroom Class and let them know!  Thank you for all of your help and support of our KCS students!
