Dobyns-Bennett Alum and ETSU Assistant Professor Jacy Richardson visits Colonel Russell C. Bennett’s AP Studio and Advanced Drawing classes

Dobyns-Bennett Alum and ETSU Assistant Professor Jacy Richardson visits Colonel Russell C. Bennett’s AP Studio and Advanced Drawing classes

Professor Jacy Richardson, D-B Class of 2012, recently visited the Advanced Placement (AP) Studio and Advanced Drawing classes at Dobyns-Bennett High School where she shared her expertise and passion for art.

Richardson, an accomplished VFX/3D Artist with Cortina Productions of Washington D.C. and Assistant Professor at ETSU, spent time with the students of Colonel Bennett’s classes, providing valuable insights into the artistic process, offering career suggestions, and discussing the broader world of art and higher education. “Jacy seeks to inspire young artists to think beyond the classroom and explore the possibilities that come with pursuing art at the collegiate level and beyond.” said Bennett. 
