Final Exams (Amended)

Final Exams (Amended)

Dobyns-Bennett students are scheduled for final exams May 22, 23, and 24. The school administration has worked with our district office to amend our school schedule that will result in Dobyns-Bennett students being released at 11:40 a.m. on these days.

The schedule for these days is as follows:

Tuesday, May 22
7:45-9:35 Block A Review and Singleton 1 Exam
9:42-11:40 Block D Review and Singleton 7 Exam

Wednesday, May 23
7:45-9:35 Block A and Singleton 2 Exams
9:42-11:40 Block D and Singleton 8 Exams

Thursday, May 24
7:45-9:35 Block B Exam
9:42-11:40 Block C Exam

The purpose for the adjustment is to give students ample time to prepare for final exams. We have heard repeatedly from parents and students that it is exhausting to take two exams, sit through two to three more classes, and then go home to prepare for two more tests the next day. We are willing to try this amendment this semester and gauge the success for deciding what we will do in the future.

Parents of students enrolled in Advanced Placement or Northeast State Dual Enrollment classes will receive information in the coming days regarding exam exemptions for those classes.

A grab and go lunch will be provided for students who want to have lunch on the early dismissal days. Bus transportation will be provided as well.

The elementary and middle schools in our district will still operate on a regular schedule on 5/22 and 5/23. Dobyns-Bennett students are being instructed not to visit our K-8 schools on these abbreviated days.

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