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Tennessee Work Ethic Distinction

What is the Tennessee Work Ethic Distinction?

The "Work Ethic Distinction " is a workforce readiness credential that can be earned by high school seniors in participating counties. Students who earn the Work Ethic Distinction will be given preference for job interviews at partnering employers if they meet all other qualifications of the job posting.

Participating students will receive a list of Work Ethic Distinction Standards which includes 13 achievement categories. Each achievement category has one, two, or three subcategories that are assigned a point value. Students who sign up for the Work Ethic Distinction must complete enough of the goals set out in the achievement categories to score 32 points in order to receive the diploma.


Who can receive the Work Ethic Distinction?

To receive the Work Ethic Distinction a student must earn a minimum of 32 points from the Work Ethic DistinctionStandards, registered at , and earn a regular high school diploma.